Friday, December 21, 2007

Today was so good. God is so good. I woke up grumpy and frustrated that I had yet another thing that I had committed to do today. I knew I was wrong. I prayed about my attitude as I drove to celebrate with each of you Christ' birthday and the families we had adopted for Christmas. I arrived still in the same place. As the morning went on each of you poured joy into my heart in different ways. And I do mean each of you. I left feeling like the most blessed person on earth. The neat thing is none of you even knew that you were leaving imprints of joy, love, and peace on my heart this morning. This is the body of Christ. So powerful. Thank you for being a light in my gloom. I treasure each of you. I am enthralled by your beauty! No matter where life takes us, know you have captured a peice of my heart, and you continually spur me on to further His Kingdom for His Glory. There truly are none other like you! I love the security and the trust God is building in our friendships. Your impact on my life reminds me of a story:

"So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up - one on one side, one on the other - so that his hands remained steady till sunset. So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword." Exodus 17:10-13

Thank you for holding me up when I am tired! Thank you for being a strength in my weakness! Thank you for your sacrificial hearts! :) I love you!


BraggFam said...

Thank you for touching my heart dearly. Ok I am crying. I miss you so much. I am so thankful God has given me you as a BFF. I can not even begin to tell you all the times you held up your arms for me. (And all our amazing friends in Oklahoma how many times they stood and held up their arms) This is a hard time this year being away from you all. Not being able to just drop by and play monkey ball or the times I would drop by Christie G (had no cell to call) and just sit and chat. I miss you all so much. Anyhoo, Cm I am glad I got to talk to you yesterday and thank you for being apart of my life. Miss you and thank you for touching my heart again with your words. We are not called to do it alone in our own strength but were ever 2 or more are gather..., a cord of 3 is not easily broken..and the list could go on. We are called to relationship with HIm first and then others

shanna said...

Oh Christie...this is so true! God has given us one another as an extension of His strength and encouragement in our lives. You have such a precious heart! Love you!

Seth, Annelise, Elijah, & Joshua said...

Christie, I am so excited I found you!!!! I found your blog and your email address today! I guess I've had your email address but didn't realize it was you. I am so so thankful for you and the other rebelution girls. You all are an answer to prayer! Each time I read an a post on someone's blog it stirs my heart for Jesus. To know Him more and more everyday!!!

Stef Swindell said...

I just love you Christie!!!!! You put joy in my heart too, and lots of laughs :) lots and lots...